Thursday, September 24, 2015

1) What is it with this blog?

Hello #JustCancerThings #JustRemissionThings fan base.

As a first time reader you're probably thinking "what in the hell is up with this blog?"

Well.. simply put, it was an idea my best friend had. A blog to document my thoughts (sometimes outrageous... okay always outrageous) and feelings while going through chemotherapy and battling cancer. Unfortunately I never took the opportunity while still undergoing treatment, so here I am now, in remission creating this ridiculous yet awesome blog. The tag line for basically anything I said while going through treatment was followed by a lot of laughs and #JustCancerThings so it only seems fitting that now that I am in remission that the new tagline be #JustRemissionThings.

However, TAKE THIS AS YOUR WARNING: What you read here will probably offend you. Whether it is my total lack of spelling and grammar skills, typos, language or just overall topics, you will probably find yourself offended at some point or another. With that said my goal is not to offend you. This blog is just a place for me to vent about the ridiculous mess of thoughts that take place in that little cage sitting on top of my neck, and it's time to free the beast!

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